What is SS3D?
Yet another Space Station 13 remake...
but we added an extra dimension to this one.
(More info on our About page.)
How much will the game cost?
It's open source and free.
What SS13 codebase are you following?
We are mostly following a simplified TG core, but we are taking influence from all SS13 codebases and even remakes.
What camera angle is it going to be? Will there be VR?
Were staying with the classic top-down but ours will be at a bit of an angle to appreciate the 3D environment and will have a rotatable camera.
We do not plan to implement first-person/VR or any other camera perspective in our initial release. Although it shouldn't be super difficult for separate server or codebase to make the switch. We do like teasing you though so, in the meantime, enjoy this 1st-person camera test and isometric camera test made by one of our devs.
Is there a playable demo?
Our Download page will automatically download out latest release, but you can find more detailed info on our GitHub repo.
Just don't expect much to do yet as the game is currently in a 'pre-alpha' phase as we do some redesigning, documenting, core system work, and basic system implementation. During this early phase there are not many systems, content, or even interactions. What you see in the current project is just the beginning to something much, much greater.
When will the game be completed?
The game likely won't be to the playable state SS13 has for a couple years.
What engine does it use?
The game is being built in Unity, and uses Mirror for networking. For legal reasons, we don't use assets from the Unity Asset Store, but open-source assets are fine.
What license is the project distributed under?
All code assets use the MIT license, only requiring attribution when used.
All art assets use the CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license, requiring attribution, same license, and only for non-commercial uses. Keep in mind that contributions are NOT retractable. Once submitted, the project has the license to use your contribution indefinitely.
Will there be "X" feature?
Since the project is open source, if we don't add it, you'll be free to add it yourself. We do however aim to port over the more basic version of the game (SS13), and more content can be added later by other people or servers. The most significant changes will be redesigns of the shortcomings and limitations of SS13 and its engine.
How can I help?
There are several ways you can help, from 2d art, 3d art, sfx, programming, web development and more, just visit our Contribute page and come join our Discord!
Who is *beep?
*beep is the original creator of SS3D. For more info on his tale check out our About page.
His current status and whereabouts are still unknown. If only he had turned his damn suit sensors on...