Image credit: Bug
21.02: February 2021 Devblog
Sunday, March 7, 2021
Written by: CosmicCoincidence
SS3D Build: v0.3.95
What is this, a zoo in space?
February Recap
Keep your arms and legs inside the space station at all times during your stay!
Optional Connections
BroodjeKipcorn added the much-needed feature of optional connections for things like pipes & wires. So now the user can decide when and in what direction these fixtures attach. Currently, this is only possible in the map editor but will be expanded to in-game once the functionality to interact with the fixtures is implemented.
Container UI
Goao was sick of looking at our old container UI, so he quickly whipped together a new one for us which includes a scroll wheel if the container is large and has many slots.
peeB, whose been an active member in our community since day 1 but a new contributor this month...
- Improved interaction for the pepper spray item.
- Improved interaction for the lighter item, including animations.
- Improved interaction for the wet floor sign, including open/close animations.
- Improved interaction for the airlocks.
- Enhanced the interaction distance check for a more realistic interaction range.
- Fixed a couple of bugs related to the round timer and joining a round.
- Added sound fall-off for the airlock's interaction.
- Added basic interactions for lights (turning them on & off), but this seems to have already broken with another change to interactions themselves. Hopefully, it will be fixed again soon.
Another new contributor this month, Putski made this great ore crate.
Another new contributor, Cornelius, contributed many missing animals and other creatures for us this month!
One could argue that Bug went a little wild with this month's blog art.
First and foremost, thank you to everyone who has donated to the project over the last month! We have raised a little over $325 our first month, and every dollar is much appreciated! Look forward to hearing from us this next month on how these funds will be allocated for bounties (the health system will likely be one).
So stay tuned, and check out our Discord for more info.