Image credit: Goao
20.09: September 2020 Devblog
Saturday, October 10, 2020
Written by:
SS3D Build: v0.3.9
Bastin' off!
September Recap
It seems development around here slows as the warm weather shifts from the northern hemisphere to the southern. But like global weather patterns, project development can oftentimes be cyclical.
Although no new systems were added this month, there has been progression on a few WIP systems. Unfortunately, we are going to continue reserving showing WIP content here, so you will have to wait for them to be merged to see them here.
Ryan has been amazing this month and fixed several irritating bugs we've had crawling around.
- Fixed not being able to examine pipes, wires, and other tile-based objects that had inaccessible colliders by changing the examine function to work with tiles by component, rather than overall collider.
- Fixed a UI bug with mobile containers where twice as many inventory slots would appear as were actual slots attributed to the container.
- Fixed items appearing on the ground when moved to inside a container.
- Fixed an issue with the tilemap where is would delete many fixtures and recreate during loadup.
Probably Not will be hosting a Halloween themed art contest with cash prizes.
- Must be SS3D related.
- Must be Halloween/horror related.
- A common resolution (like 720p, 1080p, 2k, or 4k).
- Can be either 2D/3D.
- If the artwork is 3D you must use SS3D art assets (ask for a link to our assets in our Discord if you don't know where to find it already).
- You can also create your own SS3D styled assets for this contest as long as they're usable in the game and are submitted and approved beforehand.
- Centcom members are disqualified.
- First place: $50 USD
- Second place: $25 USD
- Third place: $10 USD
Submissions should be submitted to the halloween channel on our discord (#spooktober-extravaganza) and entries will be accepted from now til the end of the month.
Winners will be decided by our Centcom members and possibly some external artists.
Winners will be announced in the halloween channel on our discord (#spooktober-extravaganza).
Also, we will feature any reasonable submissions (regardless if you win or lose) in our October blogpost next month, with the artists' permission of course.
It seems everyone's lives are concentrated elsewhere lately, and as a result, the last 2 months have not been as fruitful as we have all hoped. But we will remind you, we have not gone anyway, we are still chugging along (albeit slowly), and we will see you all here again next month!
Oh yeah we have a Discord, so if you haven't already, join that.